The Beginning of the Beginning
So I have loved Bigfoot ever since I can remember…not so much the idea of a large hairy creature that stalks the countrysides in rural America torturing livestock and druken hillbillies…but more the idea that the people who have claimed to see him will get on television and swear to the exsistence of a mythical creature with all the faith that the Pope has in Catholocism…I love Bigfoot for the same reason I love the show Cops…it is a chance to see very real people saying very ridiculous things and believing them with all of their hearts…and there seems to be a high occurrence of mullets in both Bigfoot sightings and episodes of Cops…
now my desk set up at work is pretty bare…I am a guy after all…but one of my prize possessions is a Bigfoot action figure with Real(!) Footprint Action…it has stamps on the bottom of the feet and it came with a stamp pad so you can make it look like a little bitty Bigfoot (Li'l Bigfoot is his rapping name) has walked all over your paperwork…
So my first week out of training, I was sitting at my desk getting used to working real cases in real time…I've been there about 3 or 4 days at this time…I don't really know too many people on the floor yet…keep quiet and to myself for the most part…
I had a feeling that someone was staring at me…when I turn around and take off my headphones, I see someone that I have never seen before staring at me…smiling…making me feel very uncomfortable…when he says to me, "I like your Bigfoot statue."
We start talking and our dialogue goes something like this:
Bigfoot Guy (bfg): Do you ever watch Monster Quest?
Me: Yeah *thinking--'What in the world is Monster Quest?'*
Bfg: I've gotten to meet the host. You know there's a Bigfoot convention in Honobia in October.
Me:*my eyes widen* Really?
Bfg: Yeah. You should think about going. You should also check out the MABRC website. *he said the name of the organization, but i am not going to disclose it for my sake and possibly bf's*
Me: I'll do that.
Bfg: I've been on a few expeditions myself.
Me:*straight faced as I can possibly be* Have you ever seen one?
At this point, he tells me the same thing I have ever heard from people that believe in Bigfoot
Bfg:Well…I haven't, but I know some people that have and they would have no reason to lie to me.
Me: Right on. *secretly doing the fist pump in the air and thinking 'We have a live one!'*
Now I realize that to most people this just seems like pure and utter absurdity, but I love the absurd.
Shortly after the end of our conversation, bfg sent me an email with info about the MABRC that stated if I wanted to become a member, to let him know and he would recommend me for membership…I was estatic…You know that feeling you get when you first start dating someone…and no matter what they do or when they do it you just feel on top of the world? was like that only better…like finding a $20 bill in your coat pocket…I couldn't stay seated…I had to get up and walk around…I had to tell someone…but I had to do it without looking like a crazy person…I was in heaven…
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