
The Beginning Ends

Now a few days have gone by at this point…and me being the generally busy guy that I am, took my sweet time going to the MABRC website…but when I did…I found out that there is one thing even more exciting than crazy people in person…and that is crazy people with a computer, internet access, and apparently way too much time on their hands...

i browsed around for a while…and found the application for membership within the MABRC…it was a rather in depth and long essay style application with lots of interesting questions like "Do you think bigfoot is a real flesh and blood creature?" and "Do you think bigfoot has any special powers or abiliites?"…now my mind was just awash with ideas for filling out the form…but the one thing that I had to do was try to pull off a convincing cover...

I've heard it said in a television show about secret agents that stakeouts are 80% of the job…and that a convincing cover is the other my goal was to watch and learn…and hopefully become a full fledged member of the MABRC…however…the comedic side of me wanted to make my application so ridiculous that they would know that I wasn't being true to the cause…I wanted to say that Bigfoot was especially gifted at Physics and Mathematics…and that Bigfoot could control the weather patterns…and that Bigfoot was crucified, dead, and buried. On the third day he arose from the dead and ascended to heaven where he sits at the right hand of Nessie, the Loch Ness Almighty…so I waited...

I decided to fill out the application as straight forward as possible…no crazy stuff…and within 2 days received a phone call requesting an interview…I was nervous and a thousand questions were racing through my brain…how good were these crazies at determining if I was one of them?…how often do they do these kinds of interviews and turn people down?...what if I was rejected from membership in the MABRC? would I live with myself? you can see…I had built it up in my head…I emailed the moderator and founder of the MABRC and let him know the best times to call me for an interview…and I waited…

and waited…and waited…3 weeks went by and I was absolutely positve I had been found out and that they had rejected my membership based on the fact that I had laughed out loud during Bigfootville (my favorite bf documentary that airs on the Travel Channel every now and again)…I knew it was over…I was beginning to give up hope…when all of a sudden…on July 3rd…there was a flashing red light on my phone…an email had come in…and I read it…apparently, they must either be too scared to interview or are in such a need for members that they'll accept anyone that applies…the message said that I had been accepted as a Junior Field Researcher in the MABRC…and that all I had to do was email them a reply and let them know if I wanted the position…I accepted and my life changed forever…


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