From Here On Out...
So the updates on this blog are going to be sporadic and most of my time is, unfortunately, not spent looking for BF (i don't have a girlfriend, so really i don't have a valid excuse as to why i don't spend more time looking for blurry and hairy creatures that terrorize people with an affinity to Lost Lake and Newport Menthols) this is the only update i could come up with at this time...
Yes, yes...there has been a sighting in my neck of the woods...and yes, a Junior Field Researcher (JFC) i might be making a trek to the backwoods of Oklahoma with nothing to protect me from...well...the people i am going with...not to say that i am nervous spending time with crazy people and consipiracy theorists...just afraid that the more time i spend with them, the more likely i am to wind up in a ditch because they have found out my true feelings about BF...
here is the report on the sighting...
Local Woman Sees Bigfoot, Almost Drops Cigarette
1.) Is BF tired of trailer trash? (I know I am)
2.) Was BF merely drunk and trying to hit on the trailer? (Again...I know I was)
3.) Did BF mistake the small dog for Paris Hilton? (Seriously, you take a rat terrier and put it in a pink dress, 80% of America would not know the difference...
So with that out of the way...let me know what you think of the progress so far...and let me know if you have any ideas for anything...i am totally open to suggestion and running out of ideas
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